Club Morgarot
With the aim of supporting the permaculture farm Morgarot, and subsequently to enable as many permaculture farms as possible, the club Morgarot was founded on 6.12.2020. On the one hand, we want to support farmers and self-supporters through our learning program, and on the other hand, we want to develop new technologies for permaculture agriculture by joining forces with other fields of activity.

Freely according to the motto
„Let’s change the world’s agriculture to the better where it’s necessary!“
„Et on commence maintenant, ca y’est!“
„Wenn möglich überall auf unserer nun so klein gewordenen Erde.“
Our employee Sonja Schegg, explains why joining the club Morgarot is so important:
“With a membership you support not only the Hof Morgarot, but numerous permaculture farms. Because our goal is to support as well as encourage farmers by means of our knowledge and the income of the club.
Nature is one of the most important parts of our life, which is why it should be our task to protect it. So that we can continue to enjoy the beautiful things like walking through the forests or skiing in the mountains, now is the time to do something good for nature.
I wish that we not only think about changing something, but that we also act accordingly.
The club Morgarot should be a first step towards this and supports working in as well as living with nature.”
Registration club Morgarot
We sincerely appreciate your registration to the club Morgarot!
Membership «Egg»
- CHF 35.- per year
- Latest issue of the “Hofleben” magazine
Membership «Chick»
- CHF 75.- per year
- Monthly newsletter
Membership «Chicken»
- CHF 105.- per year
- the magazine “Hofleben” 3 times a year
You are also welcome to make benefactor contributions in individual amounts.
It takes each and every one of us to make a lasting change. Thank you for your support!